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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Finally, a name.

We have finally, after weeks of;  "How about _____?  No, absolutely not!"  We have decided her name...AVALON. 

The word Avalon means Island Paradise.  Avalon will be our Island Paradise where ever she takes us!

This weekend in the life of the trailer...

First tragedy of the trailer...we were putting the main 2 X 8 X 7 ft back end piece up and I let go of it to reach for something to clamp it with and it pivoted and fell on my forearm & wrist. Needless to say, we were done for the day. Damnit! I really wanted to finish the back end yesterday.


This is the piece that fell on my arm.  That damned thing is screwed, nailed and strapped down so it will never try to kill anyone again!

We worked on the back end of the trailer to get it stabilized.  Then we went around the entire trailer inside and out and put hurricane straps where needed.  We were totally amazed at the amount of knot holes that were left to fall apart.  We still have to remove the curb and street sides two top pieces of rotten wood and replace them.  Of course, I have to work open to close for the next two days, so no work on the trailer until Friday night.  Cynthia gets a reprieve for two days.  My guess is she will mow and water the yards!  She truly loves her riding lawn mower! 

We had the entire backyard covered in "inside" trailer parts & pieces.  Cabinets, doors, drawers, beds...etc.  We primed them about a week ago.  So, we put the first of two coats on this weekend.  And, because the weather looks like it "could" rain - we put everything back into the garage.  :(

Here are the latest pics:

She's really not getting prettier yet.

Look at that beautiful floor.

The ceiling ok, part of the ceiling.

Street side back end.

Curb side back end.
We're smiling because if we don't laugh, we'll run screaming through the streets!  lol

Worth following...

Absolutely worth following!  Little Vintage Trailer's blog.  And, on Facebook,

Friday, August 10, 2012

The new toys

So, we hit a wall.  Figuratively.  We REALLY need a table saw.  We REALLY need a belt sander.  We REALLY need a nail gun.  No, really, we do.  Thank Goddess for Lowes and their really awesome credit!  Guess what we bought???  (See above.)

OMG!  It is amazing how fast stuff gets done when you have the right tools.  (Arrr Arrrr Arrrr  -  said like Tim the Toolman Taylor.)  By this Monday, we will be ready to finish the curb side & street side back ends.  And, then, onto the paneling and ceiling.  Come hell or high water.  The structure will be sound by the end of August ... 2012!

Putting it together.

Teri & Cynthia - dorks with power tools!

First cut is the deepest. (Ok, not really, it's only a 1 x 2)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

This week in the life of the trailer...

The trailer just keeps getting prettier & uglier all at the same time!

Cynthia has been scraping the floor for weeks.  We got her a belt sander & a bottle of linoeum remover and she is darn near done now.

And, the priming begins.

What?  You don't own the latest wood working woman's tool?  It's a saw horse AND an ironing board.  We know you want one!

Cynthia is working on getting all the kinks out  (ya, right!).

We are adding a closet feature over the curbside wheel well.  Hanging rod at top and two or three shelves below.

We still don't have a table saw.  So, we use the miter box and a hand saw.  We are building some wonderful arm muscles.  (Does this saw make my butt look big?!)  lol

Teri finishing the street side floor.  As of today (8/3/12) it is finished!  (Leave it to Cynthia to take the worst pictures of me!  The one above is even worse than this one!)

At the end of the day we need some down time.  We chose Bananagrams - frig edition.
And, in the end, it's all about Family.

The newest member of our family!

July 31st was the best day ever!  We were woke at 6am to a phone call that stated..."I'm getting ready to push".  At 6:39am, our Grandson, Jax Alexander entered our lives. He weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz.  19" long.  And, of course, absolutely stinking perfect!

Life is Good!